Writing Safe Database Migrations
06-02, 15:50–16:35 (Europe/Paris), Main Room

Whether you build Django projects or apps, you won’t get past database migrations. Let me show you some pitfalls, potential problems, and how to write safe ones.

Django’s built-in migration framework is great. And it works tremendously. But that’s only on the surface. Whenever you deploy your code and apply migrations in production, you are about to enter dangerous territory. I will point out common pitfalls and show you ways to avoid them. And with some additional best practices at hand, you will be ready for your next production deployment.

The talk slides are available on Speaker Deck.

Markus Holtermann works as a back-end and infrastructure engineer at micro-biolytics GmbH. He has been a Django core contributor since early 2015. He is a member of the Django security and operations team as well as an organizer of DjangoCon conferences. Markus has been a project lead at the German ubuntuusers.de community support platform where he discovered Python and Django in 2010.

Website: https://markusholtermann.eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/m_holtermann
Github: https://github.com/MarkusH