2024-06-06 –, Workshop
Exploring the role of Django Software Foundation, and how Django governance works.
Join us for an insightful session as we provide an introductory overview of DSF and Django governance, featuring members of the DSF board, teams and Django fellows.
Video: https://youtu.be/I88ZaATF12Q
DSF, Community
Audience Level –Beginner
Çağıl is a software engineer based in London. She has been working with Python and Django since 2008.
Currently she is working as a Lead Backend Engineer at Kraken Tech.
She is vice president in Django Software Foundation, co-organiser of London Django Meetup, Pycon Turkey, DjangoGirls Turkey, and a PSF managing member.
Meet Sarah Abderemane, also known as sabderemane, a backend developer with few years of experience. She works at Kraken Tech (part of Octopus Energy Group) in France to contribute to climate change. She organises the Django Paris meetup and is an active member of the Django community: DSF Board member and member of the Django Accessibility team.
DSF Board member, Django Girls organizer, DjangoCon EU volunteer and Django Specialist / Framework Engineer at Fly.io.
Board member & accessibility @DjangoProject, core team @WagtailCMS, building things @Torchbox