Careful what you search for! - or, how to make a computation 20,000 times faster
06-05, 14:10–14:40 (Europe/Madrid), Auditorium

Use of regular expressions for searching and parsing text is very common, but it can be dangerous. Innocent-looking searches may turn out to be very slow on specially-crafted inputs, and if such inputs can be provided by users, that is called a REDoS vulnerability. This talk is about the causes of such slowness, possible fixes and prevention.

Regular expressions provide a powerful search mechanism. The theory behind them promises the search can also be efficient, but practice (and specifically the stdlib re library) deviates from theory.
We'll start from a vulnerability and its fix (with the titular 20,000x improvement).
To explain it:
- We will show the regex/state-machine equivalence, and the promise of linear time
- We will explore the features of Python regex's and how they break the promise
- We will discuss features which seem like they don't have to break the promise, but do anyway
- Then we'll analyze the fix and the speedup

Finally, we'll introduce re2 which can completely prevent the problem, at some cost.



Django Internals, General Python, Security

Audience Level


35 years in software development, over 25 years using Python. A member of the Django Security Team. Co-founder of PyCon Israel, and celebrating a decade of attending DjangoCon Europe.
Working as a consultant.

Github: shaib

