Ramping up the Django admin
06-06, 16:45–17:15 (Europe/Madrid), Auditorium

Ever heard of the curb cut effect? It’s the idea that accessibility improvements often benefit a much wider group of people than initially intended. Let’s bring it to Django! We’ll look at specific accessibility improvements for the Django admin, which are guaranteed hits with everyone from beginners to power users.

Though the Django admin has been around for a while, it’s far from “done” as a piece of software. Expectations on user experience are changing. There’s ongoing work on much needed accessibility improvements. We’ll briefly introduce the curb cut effect and accessibility fundamentals, then review such a range of “curb cut” improvements, and discuss how they’re made possible in Django.

We’ll cover the following UX improvements, with a mixture of visual prototypes, demos, and a quick look at the underlying tech:

  • Keyboard shortcuts!
  • Command palettes for keyboard power users.
  • A redesigned dashboard view, with quick access to the right information.
  • A built in language switcher.
  • Django admin user documentation.

With this talk, we hope to motivate potential contributors, and showcase practical examples of leveraging the curb cut effect to make accessibility improvements happen.

Video: https://youtu.be/JUCo9I08tgc


Django Internals, Django Admin, Health, Productivity, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Audience Level


I'm a long time Django developer, medium time contributor, and am a founding member of the Django accessibility team. I also run the Discord and do other stuff.