Jacob Rief

Jacob Rief graduated with a master in physics from the University of Innsbruck. He then worked for many years as a software developer, system architect and consultant for different companies, before returning to his Alma Mater five years ago. There he’s in charge of evolving the main Content Management System of the university. Jacob is also an eager Open Source contributor and maintainer of a few popular third party packages around the Django ecosystem. His main focus is on Django, Python, JavaScript and web development in general.


End-to-end testing Django applications using Pytest with Playwright
Jacob Rief

Web applications with a high degree of interoperability between the browser and the server can be difficult to test. This is especially true during full stack development. There, we usually don’t specify REST endpoints with a well declared interface. This is especially true when working with template partials (HTMX, django-unicorn, etc.). Testing the server and client part independently requires to mock these interfaces, which then becomes even more difficult and time consuming.

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