Logs, shells, caches and other strange words we use daily
2025-04-23 , Main hall

Have you ever stopped to think about where the words we use in software engineering come from? Terms like “bug” and “debugging” are familiar to most of us, but what about “daemon” or “cache”? This talk takes a trip down memory lane to explore the surprising and often quirky origins of some of the most common words in computing. Discover how history, culture, and creativity shaped the language we use every day. Whether you’re just starting out in tech or have been in the field for years, there’s something here for everyone. With plenty of stories and illustrations to bring these terms to life, we’ll uncover the hidden history behind the words that define our work.


Every day in software engineering, we use words like “bug,” “cache,” and “daemon” without a second thought. But have you ever wondered where these terms come from? Each word has a story—some rooted in early computing, others borrowed from surprising sources like mythology, naval traditions, or even plumbing. This talk is a journey through the fascinating history of these terms, showing how they’ve shaped the language and culture of technology over the decades. Whether you’re a junior developer or a seasoned professional, understanding the origins of these words offers a fresh perspective on the field we work in.

Themed Exploration of Key Terms (20 minutes)

  • “Bug” and “debugging”: The famous moth and Grace Hopper’s contribution.
  • “Log”: From ship logs to event recording in software.
  • “Bit” and “byte”: The language of binary and its significance in early systems.
  • “Kernel” and “shell”: How seeds and protective layers influenced operating system terminology.
  • “Daemon”: A fascinating leap from Greek mythology to background processes.
  • “Ping”: Borrowed from sonar technology.
  • “Cache” and “firewall”: Security and efficiency through metaphors of storage and protection.
  • “Cursor” and “clipboard”: The influence of Latin roots and analog office tools.
  • “Widget”: The playful origin of interface components.

Closing (5 minutes)

Reflect on how history, creativity, and culture have influenced software terminology.
Highlight the value of understanding these origins for appreciating the evolution of technology.


This talk is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, from newcomers to tech to experienced developers. Each term will be introduced through engaging stories and illustrated with visuals (historical photos or diagrams) to make the content memorable. The emphasis is on storytelling ensuring that participants leave with both knowledge and a sense of connection to the rich history of software engineering.

Audience Level



Architecture, General Python

Slawa Gladkov is a fullstack software engineer with over 15 years of experience building everything from logistics systems to call center forecasters and even niche industrial tools for refinery workers in overalls. Proficient in Python/Django, React/TypeScript and (God forbids) Ruby/Rails, Slawa has tackled challenges like slicing monoliths into microservices, optimizing systems, and navigating legacy C++ codebases that could scare the bravest of developers. With a background in computational physics, 12 published scientific papers, and a Pacman-shaped heat equation solution (yes, really), he brings both technical rigor and creative problem-solving to the table. He’s still excited to learn new things—because, let’s face it, the tech world never runs out of surprises!