2025-04-23 –, Workshops
Come and meet (some of) the board! We'll give an outline of what the board does, but mostly this is a great chance to ask us questions.
The DSF board is the non-profit organisation that looks after the Django framework and makes decisions about its future, mostly from a non-technical perspective, though it's hard to truly separate the technical from the non-technical.
The main purpose of this workshop is to allow people to come along and ask any questions they would like about how things are run, what the board does, what being on the board is like, what we see in Django's future, what the board has done recently and is planning to do over the coming year or two.
Community, DSF
Audience Level –Beginner
I'm Tom, current board secretary, accessibility team member, Discord admin, Django contributor, and probably other things I've forgotten.
Django developer & contributor. President of the Django Software Foundation, & accessibility team member