2025-04-23 –, Main hall
Django needs your help. Every day, contributors submit pull requests and update existing PRs, but there aren't enough reviewers to keep up. Learn why Django needs more reviewers and how you can help get changes merged into core.
Every day, pull requests are submitted to Django, but many of them wait for feedback for weeks, even months. In this talk, we’ll explore why Django needs more reviewers and why this is an area where you can make a huge impact.
We’ll begin by discussing the challenges that contribute to the review backlog, including misconceptions about who can review and lack of recognition. We’ll address how you can help answer this call to action and join the efforts to reduce review times and get code merged into core.
Next, we’ll explore practical tips for getting started as a reviewer. You’ll learn how to find pull requests that need attention, familiarize yourself with Django’s coding style, and review PRs with an eye for edge cases and real-world testing. We’ll also discuss how to review the documentation effectively, and give meaningful feedback.
By the end of this talk, I hope you’ll have the tools and confidence to start reviewing Django pull requests. Your review could not only get the changes you want into Django but can improve the experience for the very real people contributing to the project.
Community, Django Internals
Audience Level –Intermediate
Hello 👋 I'm Sarah Boyce, one of the Django Fellows who is paid to help maintain the project. I have been using Django for about 5 years and love the community and project.
I play badminton, occasionally paint, and seem to have adopted my neighbors cat.
Feel free to say hello to me. I like meeting people 😁