Marimo and Jupyter: Sharing the joys of the Django ORM with Python Notebooks
2025-04-24 , Workshops

You have a Django application, and you've invested loads of time into carefuly modelling your domain in software. Sure you have might have a full blown web app that most users rely on, but wouldn't it be nice use that same ORM and domain model to have data-informed conversations about your work with other people in your organisation who might not be python devs?

Find out how with by using Marimo and Django to make versatile, pythonic, lightweight notebooks, based on lessons from real world use of python notebooks and django projects in the real world.

In 2019, we saw how we can use Jupyter Notebooks with Django for Quick and Dirty business analytics - (link). In 2024, the options for doing so are much richer, and a new open source pythonic notebook tool, Marimo (link) plays even more nicely with Django for building quick notebooks and sharable interactive dashboards.

Where I work, we've had some success using Marimo notebooks and Django to work with non-django coding staff, to collaborate on using the ORM to answer questions that are valuable, but where it doesn't make sense to build a full django UI. This workshop is directly based on our experiences and experiments over the last 12 months.

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to use the Django ORM on existing projects with Marimo, to build an interactive Pythonic notebook from data that:

  1. makes use of a number of rich UI widgets offered by Marimo out of the box
  2. that converts readily as a sharable, deployable dashboard
  3. works well with source control, and addresses some of the reproducibility issues with using Jupyter notebooks for analysis
  4. does all of the above with an intuitive Pythonic API
  5. just requires one single extra dependency in your project dev dependencies

Who is delivering this workshop?

This workshop will be delivered by Chris Adams, the director of technology and policy at the Green Web Foundation. Part of his job at the Green Web Foundation is delivering training workshops to groups from a wider range of software communities. He presented Jupyter Notebooks with Django for Quick and Dirty business analytic, in 2019, and led the adoption of Marimo Notebooks inside the Green Web Foundation.


General Python, Productivity, Documentation

Audience Level
