Jodie Burchell
Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously the Lead Data Scientist in audiences generation at Verve Group Europe. After finishing a PhD in Psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, she has worked in a range of data science and machine learning roles across search improvement, recommendation systems, NLP and programmatic advertising. She has a particular interest in topics such as applying behavioural science techniques to ML projects and the relationship between engineering and data science. She is also the author of two books, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ggplot2" and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Plotnine", and writes a data science blog.
Have you ever looked at a text and wondered how on earth it could be used in a machine learning model? How do we get models to understand what we’re reading? In this talk, we’ll examine different ways we can extract meaning from text for use in modelling.