2023-09-07 –, Auditorium
In a professional python project, there are many steps one can take to improve its quality. In this talk, I will review some tools that have been useful to me:
- package managers
- code formatters
- code linters
- test runners
- python manager
I will also talk about centralizing the configuration so different tools can act consistently, eg CLI, IDE and CI/CD.
Edit: I created a small demo in Github, if you're interested.
Package managers
- no package manager is a (very) bad idea
- requirements.txt is a good improvement, but makes it harder to do some things, eg lock sub-dependencies versions and specify development-only dependencies
- pipenv is good, but I prefer poetry
Python manager
- pyenv makes it easy to install and manage multiple python versions
Code formatters
- black: formats the code ("any color you want, as long as it's black")
- isort: sorts the imports ("i sort so you don't have to")
- darker: formats code only since last commit (gradual formatting for older projects)
Code linters
- pylint: decent start but too many false positives
- pycodestyle: popular, didn't use it much
- flake8: popular and used it a bit, it's ok
- ruff: the cool kid in the block: much faster and supports rules from different linters
Honorable mentions: bandit, bugbear, pyupgrade
Test runners
- unittest: native, it's decent but verbose
- pytest: widely used, supports plugins
- locust: didn't use it much but potentially useful for load testing
- hypothesis: property based testing
Centralized configuration
Centralize your configs in pyproject.toml such that every application runs the tools consistently:
- git hooks / pre-commit
flake8 didn't support pyproject.toml because it wasn't standard - well now it is, in PEP 621, but it doesn't support it anyway. Bad flake8!
Hi, I'm Duarte. I'm a software engineer since 2019, and my passions are architecture, clean code, incremental development and refactoring. I can also make some mean Moscow Mules!
Also here's the link to my linkedin. Link, Linkedin, get it? Sorry.