Aaron Bassett has lived in Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, and the Netherlands. He is a recovering Senior Software Engineer turned award-winning Developer Advocate. As a developer, public speaker, writer, and mentor; he spends most of his time making cool stuff and helping other people make unbelievably cool stuff 🔥🦄✨🚀
Aaron has been working online since 2005 and has always enjoyed sharing what he learned by organising and speaking at local meetups. He spoke at his first conference in 2013, and since then he's spoken at conferences on a range of topics all over the world. He has a passion for mentoring and has been involved with Social Innovation Camp UK, Social Innovation Camp Kosovo, Startup Weekend, Open Glasgow, DjangoGirls and global diversity CFP day.
- Can't Get You Out of My Head

Hi, I'm Adam Johnson. I'm a software engineer working with AWS, Ansible, Django, and Python. I have 13 years experience in web development and 4 years experience as DevOps lead.
I'm a core developer on the Django project, and a co-organizer of the The London Django Meetup.
I'm based in London but am often travelling around the world.
- How to Hack a Django Website

Django-oscar core developer, running Django development agency.
Social media:
* https://github.com/sasha0
* https://www.linkedin.com/in/agaevsky/
* https://twitter.com/agaevsky
- There’s more than one way to draw a map - lessons learned after the Google Maps SDK became unaffordable

Andrew is a long-time Django contributor, mostly involving himself with database migrations and asynchronous support. His day job is working as a staff engineer at Robinhood, and when he's not coding, he enjoys learning how to make everything, adventuring in the mountains, or flying light aircraft.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewgodwin
Website: https://www.aeracode.org
- How To Break Django: With Async
- Understanding Celery to maintain your sanity

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BasilDubyk
GitHub: https://github.com/samitnuk
- There’s more than one way to draw a map - lessons learned after the Google Maps SDK became unaffordable

Carina C. Zona is a developer, advocate, and certified sex educator. She spends a lot of time thinking about the unexpected cultural effects of our decisions as programmers. Carina is also the founder of CallbackWomen, which is on a mission to radically increase gender diversity at the podium of professional programmers’ conferences.
- KEYNOTE - Biometric Unsecurity

Django Fellow. Core team on DRF. Maintainer of Django-Filter, Crispy Forms and more.
- Choose, and choose quickly: Optimising ModelChoiceField

Feminist, crazy cat lady, vegetarian, UX Designer, and the office's plant saviour. For her, designers are innate problem solvers capable to impact and influence others for a positive change.
- Integrating Design and Development teams by implementing a Design System

System engineer, software developer, and educational enthusiast — this is the combination I have been describing myself as for some time now. It means that I mostly emply my technical background in working at Teckids, the free software organisation, to drive forward free software in education, and help children become contributors in free software projects.
- Digitisation and Education — How the AlekSIS project fosters co-creation of school software by young people

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter and other OSS libraries
I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for over a 15 years.
One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.
- Creating a spotify-like personal streaming service with Django and Vue: Lessons learned

Hayley Denbraver is a Developer Advocate at Snyk. In that role, she is focused on encouraging security education and the adoption of better security practices within developer communities. She has spoken at a number of Python community events, both within the US and internationally. In a previous chapter of her life, Hayley worked as a licensed Civil Engineer.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hayleydenb
- Developing a Security Mindset: Practical Lessons for Pythonistas
My name is Leila I'm 26.
I'm a young developer in Belgium and I'm the co-founder of LevIT
I code since 2014 and attend to python/Django conferences since 2015
- Ceci n'est pas un job

Luís Roque is a tech entrepreneur and the CEO and Co-Founder of HUUB, the startup that is disrupting the supply chain industry and shaping the future of fashion. Since the start of his academic journey, Luís Roque completed a degree in Computer Engineering, a specialization in Web Development and a postgraduate degree in Business Intelligence & Analytics.
Luís began his career at Sonae as a Supply Chain Project Manager, leading the implementation of new logistics hubs across the globe and all the new B2C operations. In 2016, he shifted to Parfois, an international fashion retailer, where he designed and developed all algorithms and data mining models to support decision making for the 700 stores in over 50 countries.
Just before starting his role at Parfois, Luís and the three other co-founders of HUUB began to draw the underpinning concepts and the core business model of the startup. The idea rapidly proved its potential through the company’s swift growth in the early stages and Luís decided to dedicate himself to the evolution and progress of HUUB.
Building upon his experience, Luís is currently doing a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, while leading the company’s growth, bringing innovation to logistics and revolutionizing the fashion supply chain industry.
- KEYNOTE - Ecosystem Revolution with Django

I'm a software engineer who specializes in building web apps using Python, Django and GraphQL. Currently, I work as a lead developer at Saleor - an open-source headless e-commerce platform. I speak at tech conferences about Python and GraphQL. I'm a runner, musician and traveler in my free time. I'm based in Wrocław, Poland.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maarcingebala
- GraphQL-first Django

- Integrating Design and Development teams by implementing a Design System

Mark, commonly known as Judy2k online, is a Developer Advocate for MongoDB, and been lucky enough to speak at programming conferences around the World. He likes programming in Python, Rust & Go. If he's not sitting in front of a computer he's probably crocheting or building a mechanical keyboard.
- How To Get On This Stage (And What To Do When You Get There)

Markus Holtermann works as a back-end and infrastructure engineer at Crate.io. He has been a Django core contributor since early 2015. He is a member of the Django security and operations team as well as an organizer of DjangoCon conferences. Markus has been a project lead at the German ubuntuusers.de community support platform where he discovered Python and Django in 2010.
- A Pony On The Move: How Migrations Work In Django 🐎
Pentester by day, web developer by night. After graduating as a physicist in Tübingen, Germany in 2013, Pascal started working as a penetration tester for web applications, mobile applications, and windows networks. In 2018, he started to work on his own web application. Having written a couple of Python scripts before, Pascal was happy to find Django as a Python-based web framework with a strong security focus.
- A Pentester's Thoughts on Django Security

I‘m a software developer working with the web for more than thirteen years and with Python and Django for over seven years. I run a small software company and maintain multiple open source projects. The most notable Django-based one is pretix, a full-featured and free conference ticketing software.
- Security strategies for multi-tenant applications

Dr Russell Keith-Magee is the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools and libraries to support the development of Python software on desktop and mobile platforms. He is also a 14 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. In his day job, he wrangles data pipelines for Survata.
He is a frequent speaker at Python and Django conferences around the globe, sharing his experiences as a FLOSS developer, community maintainer, and (unsuccessful) startup founder. He lives in Whadjuk Noongar country - otherwise known as Perth, Western Australia.
- C is for Cookie

Computer Science student at Universitas Indonesia. Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019 student with Django Software Foundation. My GSoC project aimed to add a cross-DB JSONField to Django.
- GitHub
- Implementing a Cross-DB JSONField

Over 30 years in software development, over 20 years using Python. A member of the Django Core Team. Board Member at Hamakor, the Israeli Free Software NPO, and co-founder of PyCon Israel. Today working as a consultant at Kaplan Open Source Consulting.
Github: shaib
Twitter: @shaib_il (DMs open)
Mail: shai@platonix.com or shai@kaplanopensource.co.il
- The Design and Development of Choices in Django 3.0

I am a software engineer and project manager from Munich. I like simple, working software and have used Python since 2009.
- Search Options in Django

I love cookies. Watercolour, JS, React, accessibility. Core developer of Wagtail, building things @Torchbox.
GitHub: thibaudcolas
- Accessibility wins for Django projects

Tom is the technical director of Torchbox, a UK software company which uses Python to make the world a better place. He runs the open source Wagtail project, designing and maintaining the popular Django-based CMS used by NASA, Google, Mozilla and Apple. His interests include serverless architectures, headless content management and practical machine learning.
- New ways to deploy your Django app

Born 2004, I am just the average junior high school student from a small village named Dabringhausen in Germany (near Cologne and Düsseldorf). Average, except for the fact that, starting from my 13th birthday, I have by now contributed roughly 50,000 lines of code to free software projects, mostly related to Python and Django applications.
Having participated in some coding workshops by Teckids, the free software youth organisation, I quickly started contributing to tools used there, and throughout time became a core contributor to several educational software projects, Debian Edu and the AlekSIS school information system ranked foremost.
When not coding or caring for DevOps infrastructure, I enjoy music, going out geocaching sometimes, and travelling the world for fun and for visiting conferences or development sprints.
- Digitisation and Education — How the AlekSIS project fosters co-creation of school software by young people