DjangoCon Europe 2020

Russell Keith-Magee

Dr Russell Keith-Magee is the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools and libraries to support the development of Python software on desktop and mobile platforms. He is also a 14 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. In his day job, he wrangles data pipelines for Survata.

He is a frequent speaker at Python and Django conferences around the globe, sharing his experiences as a FLOSS developer, community maintainer, and (unsuccessful) startup founder. He lives in Whadjuk Noongar country - otherwise known as Perth, Western Australia.


C is for Cookie
Russell Keith-Magee

"This site uses cookies"... no kidding! Every site uses cookies! Cookies are a much maligned, but essential part of the web experience. But what actually are cookies? Why are they needed? How do they work? How are they used? How are they misused? And how have they changed as the modern web as evolved?

In this talk, you'll get a complete history of browser cookies, and a deep dive into the cookie specification. You'll learn the various ways your Django site uses cookies, and how others can use use cookies on your site. And you'll get a preview of some changes that may be coming to the way the web uses cookies.
